You make a grown man cry

I'm aware of how bad I've been lately to update this site. A sad story, I'll try to be better in the future.
Haven't got anything to say tho, and when I finally had, I've been busy with other stuff, or just lazy, until I forgotten what I was going to write in the first place...

A short summary of things I've been up to lately... working, working, bask in the beautiful 25-degrees-sunshine, working...
Sandra was here last weekend, delightful. It was lovely to see her again. We went to Thorpe Park as well. I'm suprised over how brave we were! Amasing weekend.

I booked my ticket home to Stockholm a few days ago. Time's gone by so fast here, 5 months have felt like 5 weeks.

But there's still some more things to take care of before I go home. Babyshambles at the Kentish town forum next week, and my wookade älg is coming over to join me. It's gonna be fun.
Going to Birmingham(?) and Alton Towers next week as well. Can't seem to get enough of themeparks...

There, a little update.
Catch up with you soon again. At least in a few weeks time :)


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