A stroll through Hyde Park manor

We haven't done much today... Been to Harrods and Hyde Park (checking out the cute squirrels ;-P )
Got an interview for a cafe tomorrow. I don't know if I really want to work at a cafe, I would prefer some store. But I guess I'll take this if I get it, I kind of need the money... :)
But I'm waiting for other jobs to call too, so I'm not totally out of hope...

Guess that's all I have to say for today...

Miss of the day: (except a normal computer, that doesn't cost £2 per hour...)
I really miss having a closet. Keeping all your cloths in a bag isn't that funny after a week... I can't even get the bag into the locker in our new room, its to heavy, and the locker is to high, I simply can't lift it that high...
I guess this isn't our biggest issue at the moment. but still...


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