A Queer night out...

Almost a week has past since we got to London. A week in a shabby hostel, but I'm starting to get used to it by now. And today we acutally moved in to an even bigger room. Probably the first and only time you get a bigger room with lower rent...
The only problem was to move my 22 kg bag three floors...

Tonight was our first big night out (except from last tuesday when we were out with Mr. "I'm just being nice" and Mr. N. Gallaghers neighbour, but that wasn't a big night out, so it doesn't count!)
Anyway, we went to this indie-rock-electro-something-wannabe-club called After skool klub. Pretty nice, with a lot of nice people !  (especially the asian grandpa, rocking on the dancefloor, and his dnacepartner the glammer...)
Adding some pictures below.

Yesterday we also went to Bayswater (the first thing I saw when I got to London over a year ago)
Felt very good to walk up the Queens road again.
We also walked over to the Portobello Market, trying to find the "Nottinghill door". We didn't find it though... Another time perhaps.

So, tomorrows a new week, and we're both waiting for a few jobs to call. Hopefully we'll be back in buisness by the end of the week. We really need it, cause money has a strange way of just disapearing.

Well, I'm running out of time, so I guess I'll just stop here.
Take care, and try not to miss us too much ;)

                                                           Our big luxury room...

image7  Some of the sexy lads on the dancefloor... Just a liiittle bit queer.... ;-)

image8   Sexy grandpa on the dancefloor (lousy pic I know, but he was hard to catch..)

image9   The Quad (Took us like an Hour before we found it, went through half of London before we found out it was 10 min from our hostel...)


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