Party with my pain

Just a short entry with updates from La bella Londra...
spend seveal hours cleaning our whole flat last night (and I hate cleaning, everyone who;s been in my room knows..) and all for nothing. It' didn't get any better. (For those who don't know what I'm talking about, don't bother.)
So I guess we'll have to find a new place... I don't want to move tho, really like it here. Hopefully I can find something close, but still far enough from the leprosy...

Still like it at work, it's really good. Bought my goggles today! very nice! Going crazy tho, not skiing...
Anyway, I'll have great goggles for next season, and they were under £50 ! (less commisson for me tho... :) )

Tomorrow's Pete Doherty @ Rhythm Factory ! Finally I'll get to see him ! That's gonna be lovely, totally awesome.
Let's just hope he shows up...

Think thats all for now.
Just saw a guy here at rough trade, looking just like Ossi Bonde, therefor the headline. (listen to the song if you haven't, great.)
oh and talking about in, Lovely Hakan Hellstrom's coming to Hultan as well. Now I really know what I want for birthday !

No, gotta finnish now, going home to make some panncakes, yummie!

Take care !


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