Dilemma of the year...

26-28 of feb, Pete D and his beloved band are playing at Rhythm Factory. I want to go to all three gigs, but I can't, simlpy cause I don't have £65. But still, even if just the £20 for one night, is alot, I have to go. The question is only, which one?
Going to the first, when Pete's playing solo, is one option. If he shows up on any of the days, it would probably be the first one. But you'll never know what you're missing the next night...
Going the 28th, when the whole Shambling band's playing, would be just great. If Pete's not to tierd from the previously two nights...Or just feel like sh*t after all the beers he's been drinking earlier...It's also a thursday, which means I'm off work at 8 instead of 7, could be a bit stressy, depending on when the gig starts...
Hopefully I'll see the band at Hultsfred, but you can never be sure, can you...Guess this is more for sure than some gig in Sweden...
hrr.. what to do, what to do...


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