Don't look back in anger

People say time heal. I guess they're right.
My worst longings for London are gone, and I don't miss people the way I used too.
at least not the same people.

   See, that's the problem with time, it's dark side.
Sure, it heals wounds, but it also gives you space to find new things to love, miss and long for.
Wouldn't it be great if you could stop the time once in a while, when everything just felt perfect?

   Shouldn't blame time for all and nothing, maybe it's not even time that does all that.

Maybe things don't heal, it's just being forgotten and pushed away by new and better things that you prefer at the moment..?
Maybe my storng feelings for London and (almost) everything that comes with it, ain't gone. They're just slightly forgotten and replaced by other thoughts, about Gothenburg for example. Or just the things and people that comes with that.

   I guess time will tell...


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